Buy/Sell Signals
Reversal-recognizing algorithm that generates buy/sell signals with low lag. No repainting guaranteed. For any market, any timeframe.
Buy/Sell Signals
Stop Loss Strategies
Sensitivity Settings
All Timeframes
Backtest Results

Price Forecast & Probability
Making price and reversal probability forecasts using the asset's unique historical price action analysis.
Reversal Probability
Price Targets Forecast
Risk/Reward Ratio
Market Volatility Detection
All Timeframes

Momentum Reversal
Identifying divergence in price and momentum to label price reversals on the chart in real time. No repainting and no lag.
Momentum Reversal
Oversold & Overbought
Price Reversal
All Timeframes
Reversal Intensity

Chart Patterns & Market Structure
Capture trends, chart patterns, and market dynamics shifts to reveal bullish and bearish biases with precision. No repainting, no lag.
Market Trends
Support & Resistance
Market Structures
Demand & Supply Zone
Chart Patterns